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In general, the crime rate in Germany is far below that in the United States. According to the United Nations, the murder rate is approximately 1/5 that in the United States. Gun violence in the United States is particularly worse. Regardless of which criterion of violent crime you consider, Germany is much safer than the United States.
So, any student wishing to go for studies in Germany should not hesitate as far as his/her safety is concerned because Germany is pretty safe. It is always advisable to know a bit of German language so as to understand the basic situations and able to interact a bit with the locals. The suggestion is to put the concentration on other matters like course selection and other formalities and enjoy the stay in Germany.
Germany is a safe country for international standards. There is no reason for anyone travelling to be excessively worried about crime. There is no reason to be overly worried about criminality in Germany as people move about freely through German villages or large cities, day or night, without taking special safety precautions.
Each week brought its own particular challenges, and we are no different. We are not a machine, we are a group of people from all walks of life, our DNA, heritage, skill sets and experiences: Everything is different. > due to his death before the concert. Do yourself a favour and get the CD, so you can download it. While you're at it, sign up to our newsletter and then you will be the first to know all about the latest releases, news, and events. Unsubscribe at any time. Read our privacy policy d2c66b5586