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Fazail e Amaal is a short story from the collection of short stories titled Aakhir Hogi based on the characters of the title, Kairi Darashan. This book is one of the stories in the collection. Kairi is a famous writer, who is also a volatile and colorful character in the stories. She had written a new story for Humayun in the original novel titled Chaudh Zabرa Dosh, which is about her teachers and also about the writer who is a schoolmate of her. This is one of the stories in the collection about the school life, where the life of Pakya's friend is also featured in a separate story. This is a short story that features Pakya, Dilli Shahrukh, Dilli Shamsher Singh, Umar Farooq, the great grandson of Akbar the Great, Baba Farid, etc. This short story is published in the collection of the short stories titled Aakhir Hogi.The publisher of Fazail e Amaal is Hindustan Book Stall that sells religious contents including fazail e amal in telugu pdf free download. This company was established on the Birmingham, England in 1930. The company listing date is 10. Other publishers listing are Allah’s Messenger and Prophet Muhammad. There are various printing editions considered as particular editions of the book in different languages.
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