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For more than a year now, Dropbox has been a free service that lets you upload and sync files so you can access them anywhere on any computer or mobile device. Since then, Dropbox has added features, including the ability to send and view files by email.
The latest version adds some new features: It can sync Mac OS X' built-in MobileMe service, and it lets people share larger files over a network; it can also sync files among different computers, and it can even sync files to the cloud.
PRODUCTIVITY SOFTWAREThe New York Times New York Times Reader, from The New York Times (800/843-2000,www.nytimes.com): The free app is a native app for the iPad. It includes the New York Times' home page, videos, articles and photos. It also provides access to the Times' books, magazines and crosswords.
OLE MOBILE, from Virtual Ink (877/696-4646,www.mimio.com): OLE MOBILE is the first addition to the Mimio MD-171 mobile whiteboard. Version 1.5 of the software, which is free to Mimio owners, lets the MD-171 connect to an Apple iPod, an iPhone or a computer via USB cable. (The new version does not work with the MD-110 model.) The OLE MOBILE software also includes a cell-phone-compatible version of the electronic whiteboard that lets users post and share content on a mobile phone or mobile device.
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One of the drawbacks to this approach was that we needed to recompile every time we made even a small change to the code. This slowed everything else we were doing down and because we couldn't always have someone waiting for the application to finish building. 827ec27edc