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Mid-20th century Indian philologist, archaeologist and historian-cum-jurist Harold W. Deller held that Manusmriti \"consists of 105 chapters (vyavahāras) divided into sixteen \"books\" (skandhas) with a total of seventy-two slokas (stotras) divided into thirty verses (ślokas).[114] Deller wrote,
The Manusmriti, while admitted by many as the main authority on Hindu Law, presents a view of Hindu law as far removed from most Indian legal principles that have evolved since. It is a work that has had a lasting influence on the legal and religious tradition of Hinduism. For most of its history it has been taken as an infallible authority on Hindu law and belief. This was especially true in medieval India where it became the basis of a number of legal systems, most notably the Advaita and Dvaita school of Hindu Samkhya thought, the Adi Shankara's concept of Dvaitadhyaya and Madhwa Hindu philosophy. Its influence is also seen in much medieval Indian literature that draws on Manusmriti concepts.
Manusmriti of 1855, translated by D K Chattopadhyaya, is an authorised translation which presents the philosophy and ideals of Ayurveda as a way of life. It is an important source of Ayurvedic thought, and to the Western logician of Ayurveda as the basis of modern health and wellness. The translation of the original text was authorized by the Uttar Pradesh Ayurveda\" Registration Board. The Uttar Pradesh Ayurveda\" Registration Board is a statutory authority under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940, in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh which make a product manufactured with all due care by a registered Ayurveda practitioner a medicinal product and is constant with the International System of Units. Manusmriti is an ancient Indian text that deals with a man's code of behavior and ethics and is written in verse form.
The ethical precepts in Manusmriti are derived from the sense of duty (dharma) and the preceptor (guru). Manusmriti -like Manusmriti in Central India, but unlike Manusmriti in Bengal, states Bronkhorst -is a collection of texts, practices, and doctrines. d2c66b5586