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Copyright holders and the Entertainment Software Association criticized the implementation of the protocol in the software BitTorrent. They argue that the protocol has made it easier to distribute pirated content without the software users being aware of it, while the BitTorrent developers counter that the protocol relies on the intention of the user to distribute the content and that the protocol cannot be used to transmit malicious software such as viruses or trojans, and that the protocol ensures that the content is not pirated by limiting its distribution rate and bandwidth. Copyright holders and the Entertainment Software Association claim that the BitTorrent protocol has been used by users to download films from the Internet without paying their fees.[18] However, the strategy of using the protocol to facilitate unlicensed distribution is generally accepted in the academic literature and has been discussed extensively by the BitTorrent developers and users of the protocol. The United States Copyright Office authorizes unlicensed use of BitTorrent in music on a limited scale but has taken no action on similar applications regarding film, and the European Parliament has requested permission to include BitTorrent in its directive on file sharing, but has yet to comment on the issue.
BitTorrent is often discussed as a way to distribute files such as movies and software. Though provides a streaming video service, there are also several online communities that offer video downloads. The Freedownloadcenter community provides a centralized marketplace for downloadable video content.
To avoid the problems associated with file sharing site takedowns, copyright holders have been known to sue individual torrent users for copyright infringement. Many of these lawsuits are thrown out of court for lack of evidence that copyright infringement has occurred. BitTorrent users are more likely to be sued for infringement than those who download music from other media, however, indicating that legal remedies are being used to target torrent users. 827ec27edc